Students & Teachers meet every day for an assembly of 15-20 minutes in length. The assemblies, which are themed across the week, reflect on contemporary & value-oriented issues. The assemblies include
a) Information/Instruction from school authority
b) sharing from teachers
c) Bible Reading
d) Special number
e) News reading
f) Mass prayer or sometimes special prayer
a) Hostel is attached for accomodating students from class I to X.
b) Special tuition offered in Mathematics & Hindi
Care, courtesy and respect for each other and school property are gently but firmly demanded at the School. Our rules are not stringent but are based on a common sense approach to working and living together throughout the school day. If you are obedient and behave with good manner and courtesy towards everyone, you will be praised and rewarded.
Whenever problems with discipline or behaviour are encountered, through positive encouragement and reinforcement, we successfully maintain the good standard of behaviour for which the School is well known. BUT when repeated rule breakers, defiant, insulting students or parents misbehave, using unfair means during examination, stern action is perforce taken so that wrong doing does not become precedence. The school is in such circumstances, forced to ask parents to withdraw their child in the larger interest of all children.
The school curriculum in discipline includes:
- The school uniform must be meticulous. If the students are not in full and proper uniform, they will not be allowed to attend school.
We believe it makes a real difference to the tone and atmosphere of our school if our pupils are neatly and appropriately dressed. Our pupils are expected to wear full uniform whenever in school, or on school missions. - Leave of Absence: No child will be permitted to leave school early for any reason unless there is a written request to this effect from the parent/guardian in the School Calendar.
- Late Comers: All pupils must reach the school at least five minutes before Second bell which rings at 8:30 a.m. (It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their wards reach school in time). Late comers will be sent back home. If one is to be delayed by traffic jam in the town, parent/guardian should inform the school authority.
All pupils must be present in the school on the opening day of the school after the Summer Vacation. If a pupil is absent for a week without any reason, his/her name will be struck off the Attendance Register.
Snacks and Drinks
The school is proud to be a “Healthy School”. (The school provides purified drinking water through Aqua filters which is installed in the drinking facility corner). The school discourages junk food like chips, mimi, etc, aerated drinks such as coca cola, sprite, etc and road side food eaten by children. Tiffins should consist of healthy & well cooked/baked food which is to be eaten only in the Lunch room from LKG to Class X in the lunch room. Whenever & if parents cannot prepare tiffin for lunch, students can take from the school canteen and write in the bill register so that after accumulating over a period of two weeks or one month parents can pay the food bill of one’s child in the school canteen. This is to ensure that there is no possession of money by any student.
Illness at School
The school ensures that every child’s health record is maintained. (Parents are encouraged to inform the school if their ward suffers from some ailments or disease needing attention now and again) In emergency, children are taken to the neighbouring Hospital for treatment and parents are informed thereof.
Medicines cannot be administered in school under any circumstances. A child who is unwell and on a course of medication should normally remain off school. If a child is well enough to attend, parents may visit school to administer the required dosage themselves. Inhalers can be brought to school, labelled with the child’s name and can be kept in a safe place organised by the class teacher.
Children must not bring toys, games, valuables or money into school as they are distracting. Any undesirable material in possession by students will be confiscated in his/her own interest.
Commuting to the school
Currently, the school does not provide any transport facility for its students. Parents usually make suitable arrangement for their ward.
Information from School to Parents
We communicate with parents by school diary book or by telephone or in person dependent upon the nature of the information.
Information from Home to School
There are times when parents need to communicate with school if
- a child is going to be absent for a reason other than illness
- a child is required to leave school early
- If there is important information for the teacher regarding your child
It would be appreciated if parents avoid taking leave for the child during school working days. Parents can communicate with us through the child’s school diary, by telephone or in person at the school during school working hours.
School is known for its friendly, approachable and caring staff. Teachers are happy to discuss children’s progress, achievements, strengths and areas which need attention. If parents have a concern or a complaint, parents can discuss it with child’s class teacher first if appropriate, discuss it with the school authority if it does not involve the class teacher or if parents have discussed it with the class teacher and are not satisfied with the result.